House of Anubis
Dans le pensionnat anglais Anubis, où vivent 9 étudiants, Joy disparait sans laisser de traces alors que la jeune américaine Nina arrive dans l’école. Patricia, qui doit maintenant partager sa chambre avec la nouvelle venue, pense que celle-ci à quelque chose à voir dans la disparition de sa meilleure amie.Bien ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 12 minutes |
Enfants, Fantasy, Science-Fiction | Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon | 2011 |
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1.10 - House of Discovery
House of Discovery
With Trudy gone, Victor installs security cameras to spy on the kids. Mara challenges Mick to a sports quiz and defeats him; having proved herself, she offers to help with his training program. Nina finds an article on Tutankhamen's treasure and the original owners of Anubis House, who were implicated in stealing something from his tomb that was never found. After pressure from Mick's Dad, Victor removes the cameras and reinstates Trudy. The next riddle leads Sibuna (which now includes Patricia) to look underneath the stairs for something "beleathered and clasped" and there they stumble across a couple of photographs of Victor from 1925 looking exactly the same as he looks now. Guest Star: Francis Magee
Diffusion originale : 10 janvier 2011
Diffusion française :
10 janvier 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Tom Poole
Scénariste.s :
Diane Whitley
Guest.s :
Francis Magee